You Touch, You Buy.
For the first time since 2017, I recorded the process behind one of my artworks. Almost everything you can see on this site was broadcasted live on Twitch, with the blazing speed of a light brigade. It shows my interpretation of Bobs workplace plus additional pieces that highlight the sticky and moldy nature of his business. Everything’s been touched before, nothing is new. Mint condition, but not really.
I don’t even understand what I did here. I introduced so many keys that could open a new story but I am not sure which one it will be. It’s like putting a fishhook into a lake and expecting to catch some Bass… but when you pull it out there’s nothing but a fright train carrying toothbrushes made for giants. There’s only one way to find out though.. only one body to carry that weight. But before we go down that rabbit hole, be aware and never forget: You touch, you buy.
Cinema 4D S24 (mostly), Octane Renderer, Rizom UV, Substance Painter, Marvelous Designer, Fusion 18, Fusion360, Moi3D, Photoshop, Davinci Resolve.
Thanks, love, praise & eternal glory goes out to:
Jasmin Dämmrich, Alex Rych, Raphael Rau, Lukas Guziel, Ash Thorp, Billy Chitkin, Jeremy Cox, Dino Muhic and literally hundreds of people who were constantly cheering and supporting me with their knowledge, kindness and love during long days of streaming. I would love to make a list with all your names, but I can’t, because you were so many. I will never forget you though.
Music by Lukas Guziel
The project would not have been possible without the help of RNDR.
“Production Diary #30. TP for the bunghole. Because I am a slut for highpoly geo, we’re looking at roughly 8gb of vram just the objects. 5gb for textures and roughly 7gb to go until we hit hardware limits. 23 mil polys so far. There’s still much to build. Need to optimize things.”
“Production Diary #1, First stupid blockouts of something. brainfog after 3 minutes. no ideas, no drive, no nothing. I spend the majority of the day listening to “Der Goldene Handschuh” from the german author “Heinz Strunk”, while trying to figure out next steps. Blockouts are always super ugly. Being ugly and important at the same time doesn’t make it easier.”
Production Diary #51. We finished the big boy. I "learned" Fusion Studio over the weekend and this is what I came up with. Grading was done with Camera Raw. Now I have to do secondaries and additional scenes to flesh out the whole project... and after that we'll do a video :)